sexta-feira, 22 de maio de 2009

Aula de Patchwork

For this lady I have to make all the blocks on paper - yes, it's paper piecing - for her to sew them. I never made a rail fence so big on paper piecing!!
She says the other way is to complicated but I think this way is much more complicated and you have much more work (me and her) and, in the end you have to remove the paper.
What's going to be? Another pillow?!

In one of the classes I taught crazy patchwork - this is one of the quilts made by one of my students.
They really liked it.

Nélia, one of my students, is making the sandwich - the top was all sewn by hand and, she is going to quilt it by and too. I taught her how to and, made a design to guide her.

sábado, 16 de maio de 2009

Handmade gifts

For the Triangle Humbug Swap I made this bag and a pincushion to go with. I choosed purple because it's one of Annet's favourite colors.
I am so excited, this is my first swap!

The two sides of the pincushion.

It was so fun making this pincushion that I made more two; I don't like reds but this cherish red is very beautiful ...and sexy!ehehe

I bought this fabric to Vicky before she return to the States, I wish I could find more like this, it is beautiful.

I saw this pattern on a spanish magazine so, pick up my fat quarters, my fabric stash and start to work on it. As you can see I mixed diferent styles.

This is the final result!
Now I need to choose a fabric to the border and because I used so many different fabrics, this is gonna be a very dificult task.

segunda-feira, 11 de maio de 2009

Quilt Show - Exposição de Patchwork

Last April I had my quilt show in Arruda dos Vinhos - Galeria Municipal - and here are some photos.
No passado mês de Abril realizou-se a minha Exposição de Patchwork em Arruda dos Vinhos - Galeria Municipal - e, aqui estão algumas fotografias dos trabalhos. Estas fotografias são da Montra de Turismo onde podem ver alguns trabalhos de patchwork e arte sacra.

And here is the gallery.
E aqui é a galeria.

domingo, 10 de maio de 2009

Gatos, gatinhos, gatões - Kitties

All my life we had pets in the house especially cats. In the moment I only have a dog but cats are my favourite.
So here are some photos from the contest.

- We are playing the hidden; do you wanna join us ?

- I do not play silly games!

- Ohhh, I am soooo tireddd!!

- I am very very nervous, is there many people watching?

- Do you like my eyes?

- Hey, watch me dancing!! I am very good, right?! eheh.

- What is this? This smell is different...hum

- Lady, could you give me some privacy? There's no respect!!!

- Sorry, but I don't talk to strangers...

- Garfield?! Of course we are not relatives!! Oh dear, how could you think in such a nonsense!?!

- No! It's my lunch!

- My name is Snow White.
- And I am a tiiigerrrr!!! Graauuu! I'm ready to attack the evil mouse..(!

- No comments.

- Oh dear, I am so booooreed! ....sleeping...hum yeah(!

- Hi, how are you?

- We are
good friends - and in the winter he keeps me warm! ehehe.

- Come on! Some privacy please!!!!

- Champion. Champion is my familly name!

- Watch us singing, we are the best:
We are family,
I've got all my sisters with me.

quarta-feira, 6 de maio de 2009

Aula Patchwork - Quilt Class

Paper Piecing
Quilting technique in which the design is printed onto paper and fabric pieces are stitched together on to the paper for accuracy. When the block is completed, the paper is ripped away.
Esta é uma técnica em que se tem o desenho/esquema no papel e, os bocados de tecido são costurados ao papel por forma a se obter uma maior precisão. Quando o bloco está completo, tira-se o papel.

Dois dos trabalhos feitos na aula usando esta técnica: uma mala e um cesto de piquenique.
Two of the blocks made in the class using this tecnhique: a tote bag and a picknic basket